How a Narcissistic Parent Emotionally Harms Their Child
These are the ways in which a narcissistic parent emotionally harms their children.
Seen in a list like this, I found it very depressing but also very validating.
I believe the more we understand the affects of narcissistic abuse, the more we can heal.
A narcissistic parent :
Does not love their child unconditionally
Does not accept the child for who they are
Invalidates their children’s feelings/emotions
Undermines their child’s confidence/self-esteem
Makes everything about them
Are extremely self-absorbed to everyone else’s detriment even their own infant children
Encourages and fosters fear in the family so that they have control and power
Drives a wedge between siblings, fostering dislike, resentment and competition
Are unable to deal with their own emotions in a healthy and constructive way and demonstrate this to their children
Makes their children feel responsible for their feelings
Are entirely self-absorbed
Acts entitled
Seeks control and power over their all family members, including their partner
Belittles or mocks their children’s achievements
Tells/insinuates to their children that they are all bad (scapegoat) or all good (golden child)
Ignores and neglects their children (lost child)
Projects their faults and flaws onto their children
Gas-lights their children (denying something happened)
Manipulates their children by using their need for their parent’s love and approval against them
Only shows ‘love’ when the child is doing something good for their image
Are not a safe and secure place for their children to grow and develop
Teaches their children to be a certain way, only to make him look good
Makes mistakes feel dangerous, the child feels the risk of abandonment by their parent
Lies about their child so they won’t be believed if they ever reveal the abuse (smear campaign)
Are not a safe place for their children to express himself/herself
Neglects their child’s emotional needs
Does not showing a healthy/good template for adult relationships
Makes their children extremely cautious about their words and actions
Does everything they can to make their scapegoat child feel unwanted
Causes the family to rally around them, to the exclusion of their victim
Are occupied and interested only in their image to other people
Pretends to their child that they are a good parent, only to bring their child closer for abuse
Accuses their children of being ungrateful or selfish
Thinks that they deserve constant admiration and praise
Lies about other family members or people outside of the family to encourage fear of others
Isolates their children from other children or adults
Manipulates situations to serve their own purposes