Can you Heal from Narcissistic Abuse if you are Still in Contact?
It is very difficult once you are processing narcissistic abuse, to consider what your options are to try to fix the relationship.
Despite years, maybe even decades, of difficulties in the relationship it is still very challenging to consider cutting off contact.
You’ve tried everything.
It’s left you exhausted, out of answers, overwhelmed, suffering with your mental and physical health, stressed, broke, with fractured relationships, no confidence and unable to think clearly.
All the things that you suggested, such as getting a therapist to help, has been met with derision, claims that the problems are all your fault or excuses. Or else it escalated into a massive row, leaving you confused, reeling and frustrated and unable to remember what started it all.
No contact is NEVER the first choice.
It is always when you have tried everything you can, many times over, and nothing has changed.
As much as you are trying, they aren’t.
It’s as if they are relishing you wasting your energy, and as much as they put in, they put in a negative amount.
But still you want to try, just one last time, to see if you can work it out. But then, of course, the last 10 times have been that one last try.
The way I see it, being in contact with someone with narcissistic personality is like taking a little bit of poison every day.
It makes you sick. And there’s no chance of healing unless you stop taking the poison.
Narcissistic abuse is very subtle and not easy to identify.
Whilst you are in contact with someone who is a narcissist, you cannot identify that you are being abused.
The time and space you need from them, is what gives the healing because it helps you to see clearly.
Just as if you stop taking the poison every day, you will start to heal, it’s the same with narcissistic abuse.
Not only will you start to heal, you will start to process and identify how you’ve been subjected to narcissistic abuse.
So, you will be able to avoid toxic people in the future.
It’s a hard decision to make, and the grieving process is challenging to go through, but believe me it’s worth it.
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You are not alone, Clare x